Jan 25, 2011

Mutiara Emas..... Wow....!!!

Golden Pearl
On the island of Palawan in southwestern Philippines, the only living person in the world, who revealed the secret production of a rare form of jewelry and gold pearls. Go to the fragile natural pearls are treated like royal jewelry. Each oyster takes 5 years to produce one such gem, and the slightest jolt could kill it.

Pulau ni pun nampak pelik je bentuk dia. Terletak di Filipina
Mungkin ni penanda di mana sangkar diletakkan
Si botak ni mesti taukey atau pun orang kuat dalam projek ni
Amacam kak? Ada bagus ke?
Fuyoh! Seram jugak tengok rupa oyster ni
Siap ada guard jaga tu
Nah dah jumpa pun
Sedang mereka bentuk perhiasan
Takde model lain ke?

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